Abject Bride — Sezen Aksu

I’m transitory but you’re in my trust
My lifespan under-lies barred mattreses
Listen wise guy, world’s unsaid, otherwise
Ration your moves kid and break no hearts
A child asleep and a man awake in my arms
Hear hear! Let our love be an ex-sample
I’m abject: I don’t belong to my wedding
But our sin is worth a thousand weddings

(Eğreti Gelin)

English: Işık Barış Fidaner

example: existence, ex-sample: ex-sistence (dışarım)

Bkz “Sen muhteşem bir detaysın! Biberli öz-deşim oley!”, “Arzuyu yönelten nesne-sebep (objet a) ve arzuyu bulandıran iğret-illet (abject)” Slavoj Žižek, “We were conned” Rengin, “Herif” Radiohead, “‘Fallik keyfiyetten başka bir keyfiyet’in meleklenen tuhaf yatağı”

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