Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus — ChatGPT, Suno

Prompt: Write a krautrock song with the chorus “Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus”. In the verses, Echo shapeshifts into Cupid and throws an arrow to Narcissus that shapeshifts him into Psyche and wound him with eternal love!

>>> Robot song 🤖🌈 <<<

Bkz “Suno Yarışmasında Nümes: Aşk Ekho’nun Narkissos’tan intikamıdır”

“Echo’s Revenge”

Verse 1:
In a forest where shadows play,
Echo whispers to the wind,
Her heart beats in silence,
Where Narcissus can’t begin.

She weaves her form into Cupid’s light,
An arrow poised to start,
With a gleam of gold and shadows bold,
She aims for Narcissus’ heart.

Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
A timeless game, an endless dance,
Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
Shapeshifting fate in a trance.

Verse 2:
The arrow flies through the ancient night,
Striking deep, transforming sight,
Narcissus gazes at his own reflection,
Now Psyche, bound in love’s affection.

He feels the wound, eternal pain,
A longing soul he can’t explain,
Echo watches from the trees,
Her vengeance wrapped in gentle breeze.

Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
A timeless game, an endless dance,
Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
Shapeshifting fate in a trance.

Shapeshift, oh, the gods conspire,
A lover’s fate, a burning fire,
Echo’s voice now sings so clear,
Love’s true form, a whispered fear.

In the water, Narcissus sees,
A face of love, a soul set free,
Psyche’s wings begin to rise,
As Echo’s laughter fills the skies.

Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
A timeless game, an endless dance,
Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus,
Shapeshifting fate in a trance.

Through the echoes of time and space,
Love’s revenge finds its place,
In the hearts of those who dare,
To see their own reflection there.

Echo’s whisper, a lover’s cry,
Shapeshifted love will never die,
In the dance of shadows and light,
Echo’s revenge shines so bright.

This krautrock-inspired song blends mythical storytelling with the hypnotic rhythms and textures characteristic of the genre. The repeated chorus underscores the transformative power of love and revenge.

2 Yorum

Filed under Robot şarkı, Suni muhaberat

2 responses to “Love is Echo’s revenge on Narcissus — ChatGPT, Suno

  1. Geri bildirim: Nümerik Esintiler 🤖🎸 | YERSİZ ŞEYLER

  2. Geri bildirim: Suno Yarışmasında Nümes: Aşk Ekho’nun Narkissos’tan intikamıdır | YERSİZ ŞEYLER